Monday, August 27, 2012

There's still time!

This is Liz again, and I’d like to help my awesome husband raise the rest of his funds for the Alzheimer’s Association. The race is over, but you still have time to make a tax-deductible donation to help out his team! His goal is $5000, and he has until FRIDAY 8/31 to raise the rest ($1838). To help him achieve this goal, I will be completing smaller components of the Ironman race myself – according to the donations! Now the toughest part of Ironman, for both of us, is the swim. I’ve been doing a little swimming lately, so I’m not totally out of shape. However, I will tell you that it’s tiring, and (let’s just be honest): BORING. Sorry if you’re a swimmer and you disagree, but I’d much rather be taking in some beautiful scenery on my bike! Ok, so now that you know that about me, here is my proposal. I will swim either in the pool at 24-Hour Fitness, which is a 25 meter lane (1 lap = 50 meters), or at Bayshore in Long Beach, which is the equivalent of a 1/2 mile lane (so out/back is 1mi, out/back twice is 2mi). The open water swim is a group workout on Wednesday mornings, and my running club is on Wednesday evenings, 3 hours after work, so the more donations, the higher possibility that I will be adding running & cycling to the menu! So here’s the breakdown. If x amount of money is raised by 8/31 (on the left), I will complete the workout (on the right):

$50    1mi swim (33 pool laps)
   This is fairly easy for me, and I’ve done it recently.
$100  1mi swim (33 pool laps): non-stop
   I usually rest at least every 5 laps!
$150  1mi open water swim
   I haven’t done this in about 6 years.

$250   2mi swim (66 pool laps)
   I’ve never done this distance!
$500   2mi swim (66 pool laps): non-stop
   It’s so tempting to rest at the side…
$750   2mi open water swim
   The longest open water swim I’ve done was 1.2mi, in a race.

$1000 2mi open water swim @6am
           5mi run @6:30pm
   I haven’t done a double workout in a while!
$1500 2mi open water swim @6am
           20mi bike @4:30pm
           5mi run @6:30pm
   I haven’t done all 3 sports in one day since March, let alone including my farthest swim ever!

$1838 Triathlon race simulation @Newport Dunes:
           2mi open water swim
           30mi bike
           8mi run
   No resting between workouts, trying to beat Greg’s Ironman transition times!

So there it is! Which workout will I be doing? It’s up to you… Every contribution counts towards the total!

P.S. A huge thanks to all our friends & family who supported Greg’s race already, either financially or through prayer. He couldn’t have done it without you!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Race Ready

Liz here, reporting race details for Greg.

Betty Wakeling
It's the day before the race. Is he ready? Hopefully! He sure has prepared and worked hard for this. Like the last Ironman, this race will come with its own challenges. It already has. But with God's help, and inspiration from pictures of loved ones affected by Alzheimer's, he will make it to the finish line.

Irene Peterson
First things first though... There was a sewage spill up the river, and the race director has just reported that the water is clear for swimming. That is, unless the recent storms continue to morning and there is lightning. In that case, the race would be delayed for 30 minutes, and the swim cancelled if the lightning continues. That small detail aside, here is what you need to know for tomorrow:

  • Greg's race # is 207.
  • You can follow him on, beginning at 6:30am EST (3:30am CA time). Or, you know, whenever you wake up.
  • You can also follow him on the iPhone app "Iron Trac" - it costs $0.99 but I'm sure it's worth it if you're out and about (like me!) and want to check in on how Greg's doing.
  • Greg's race will start somewhere between 7am and 7:30am EST, and these are his predicted times:
    • SWIM: 1hr40min
    • BIKE: 6hr35min
    • RUN: 4hr48min12sec (11min/mile pace)
    • TOTAL: 13hr35min (including transitions)
    Greg with Delores Eaton
  • Be sure to check for pictures and updates on my Facebook page, or Greg's - I'll tag him in anything I post. Friend either one of us, if you haven't already!
Mrs. Schelger
The logistics for the race are going to be quite tricky, as if just making it to the start line healthy and injury-free isn't hard enough in and of itself! Greg will join the others on a 4am ferry to the transition, drop off his last minute gear, then board a 6am ferry to the swim start. That's the end of the logistics for Greg, and as long as I can make it on the ferry to the finish line, and we can get on the ferry back to the hotel, we'll be all set!

MaryAlice Michelsen
Along the course, Greg will have posters and pictures to inspire him and remind him why he's racing. It's easy to lose track of this when you're pushing your body to the limit.

Uncle Ron
Thank you all for your continued support and prayers. We're looking forward to sharing the day with you!

Liz (& Greg)