I've posted about my Ironman training but I haven't posted about why I'm doing an Ironman. Sure I want to experience the personal achievement of finishing an Ironman, but there is a ministry that I have had the privilege to serve with for the past four years that has touched my heart. It's called Homes of Hope. Homes of Hope is a non-profit organization that builds homes for impoverished peoples of Mexico and Jamaica. My goal is to raise enough money to build a home for a family that is currently living in what I like to call a "garage door shack" with a dirt floor. If you feel led to do so, please sponsor me as I try complete my first Ironman with the goal of raising $5,100.00. Just click on the tab above which will direct you to my donation page.
I love Mexico. As I child and teenager I made many trips to Baja with my Grandparents and Father mostly to go fishing and SCUBA diving. What attracts me to Mexico is the simplicity of life. I'm not talking about life in the big cities of Tijuana or Ensenada, but life in the suburbs or "colonias" as they are called in Mexico. There you know all of your neighbors and they are your close friends because you rely on each other for support and help. Parents work extremely hard to earn maybe $200 a week. Going to the store takes planning because you don't have a car. Life is hard but they are proud to have saved enough money to buy a small piece of land that they can call their own. A little girl is happy to be playing with a doll, her only doll, that has one arm missing. Her brother plays with a soccer ball that doesn't hold air very well. They will never go to Disneyland or have a Wii or a Facebook account, but they have a simple joy and laughter that you don't see with kids here in Orange County. When I'm in Mexico spending time with these families, I feel like I've forgotten what's important in life. I've become so entrenched in the worldly desires of life and culture in Orange County that I've forgotten how blessed I am to be able to take a hot shower for as long as I want or to simply flush a toilet. Why when I'm in my comfortable home using a computer to download my favorite music and transfer it on to my IPod or when I DVR my favorite TVshow because I'm going out to dinner to eat sushi...why do I often feel like my life is boring and I need more?
Going to Mexico and working side by side with a family to build them a simple home has brought all of these questions and many more to the for front of my life. Why has God given me so much and yet I spend most of my time squandering what he has given me to satisfy my own desires instead of using it to make a difference in the lives of other people? I'm not sure that I know the answer to this. I'm not saying that we shouldn't enjoy what God has given us and there is certainly nothing wrong with going out to eat sushi (unless you just don't like it).
Homes of Hope has allowed me to gain a different perspective of life and the lives of others who I would not have otherwise had any care or concern for. Working side by side with a family you have just met to make a dream come true for them has been one of the most incredible experiences in my life. An overwhelming feeling of joy, love, and sadness always accompanies these projects. Joy when you see how radically you have changed the life of a family. Love expressed to you from the family for what you you have done for them
and sadness when you have to leave them behind because you have formed this unspeakable bond between one another.
I want to thank all of you who have sponsored me and contributed to Homes of Hope and I encourage each and every one of you to invite radical change in to your lives. From a life of succumbing to the desires of what culture and the world tells me I need leaving me empty, to a perspective of I've been given so much, how can I make a difference in
the lives of others that will truly leave a lasting legacy for generations.
As Jackie Robinson once said, "A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives"
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