Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A Blog... Really??

As I post my first message on this blog it's important for me to express why I started this blog. I have concerns over the narcissism in our society and how the amazing worlds of Myspace, Facebook,Twitter are impacting God's design for us to be transparent, relational people. Although there is so much much to be gained I often wonder at what cost.

So back to my reason for starting this blog... I'm hoping that others who have a dream to push the limits and boundaries of their lives and bodies will find these postings helpful as I take a journey over the next 16 months to prepare for Ironman Arizona 2010.

1 comment:

  1. A man with a goal (a mission) will rarely be denied, and I love your mindset! Can't wait to see how you progress toward this one, but I know that you have a history of meeting goals, so I know you will complete this one, too! I am also very happy to be your prejudiced pa-in-law. I know that Liz will help you with this goal as well - it is nice to have the little lady on the same side!! Love you, Son
